• Sewing and Costumes

    Makers gonna Make….

    In my attempt to write something every week this year, I did not anticipate how much change the world would go through in that time. And right now seems like it is the time to take a break from grinding through all the fanciful costumes and have a bit of real talk and acknowledge that things in the world are changing drastically and quickly. The first week of March, my company gave the order to work from home for the rest of the month. That weekend was my husband’s birthday and also the weekend everyone was told to please stay home. We had no idea at the time what was…

  • Historical,  Sewing and Costumes

    Victorian Overskirt (Late Bustle Era)

    Part 2 of my infinity-part series on all the layers I need to make to wear one Victorian outfit. Now that I have finished my lobster tail bustle, I need some outerwear to go with it. This particular bustle is not equipped with ruffles or any other fabric that might help hide the boning, so it will require a petticoat to wear over it. I have ordered the petticoat pattern and am waiting for it (oh wait, it arrived just now today! yay!). Over the ruffly petticoat to hide the boning, is the skirt. This can be as plain or ornate as desired. I have ordered a lot of yards…

  • Historical,  Sewing and Costumes

    Edwardian Walking Skirt

    Most of the costumes I have been working on lately are for one of two events. We have monthly balls, which change theme every month, and vary in time period. The second event is Costume College, which takes place in August, and this year’s theme is 1919 and the Suffragist movement. So in between making or altering something almost every month for dancing, I am trying to put together outfits for the events of CoCo. There is a Thursday evening pool party, featuring “swimwear through the ages”, a Friday night showcase, themed on the Suffragist movement, a Saturday evening gala themed on the Titanic, and Sunday morning breakfast is “Gibson…